Faithful, authentic Reformed worship lies at the heart of our life together as a congregation. Worship gives glory to God while encouraging us as faithful disciples. True worship always promotes individual and corporate service to Jesus Christ, the head of the church.
What to Expect
Among the elements that make our worship services traditional is the liturgy that we use during our worship service. To those unfamiliar with liturgy, these are elements of the service that have been used by Christians for centuries to inform our worship experience and our relationship with God. You’ll find elements of our service like the Confession of Sin, Affirmation of Faith, and the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer to all be familiar elements to our service if you come from any number of Christian traditions.
Whether you’re looking for a congregation that still signs the traditional hymns of the faith, or a worship setting still led by the sound of the pipe organ, St. Andrew will feel like home. St. Andrew has a long history of musicians from Denton’s two universities of bringing their time and talent to St. Andrew as soloists, instrumentalists, and members of our chancel choir. Join them in the chancel choir or handbell choir. Music at St. Andrew is multi-generational, too, with opportunities for both children and youth.
Presbyterians observe two sacraments: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Both sacraments are observed in our worship services, though both are not observed every week. The most frequently observed sacrament in worship is the Lord’s Supper, with opportunities to share in the feast on the first Sunday of every month. Baptisms tend to be more periodic in nature, typically observed by parents for infants, any person wishing to profess their faith is welcome to be baptized.
Lectionary Readings and Preaching
Perhaps the most familiar of the traditions in our worship service are the Bible readings, often coinciding with the ecumenical schedule of reading the Bible called the lectionary. This schedule of readings provides a theological point of view for approaching the Biblical text. The preaching for St. Andrew often flows out of the lectionary readings, but often also flows from its own biblical schedule, made by the pastors at St. Andrew.
Scenes from Our Sanctuary
Serve in Worship
Do you feel called to serve the church on Sunday mornings? There are many opportunities to serve during and after the worship service. Here are the places where you can get involved. Find your niche!
Liturgist – Serve with the pastors by leading parts of the worship service. Please contact Lynn Carrico, lwcarrico@verizon.net.
Ushers – Help St. Andrew be a warm and orderly place on Sunday mornings by serving as an usher. Please contact Jonny Ramsey, jramsey18@verizon.net.
AV Team – Members of the AV Team carry out the production of each Sunday’s worship service. Please contact Lou Korom, lou@standrewdenton.com.
Communion – Serve behind the scenes by helping to prepare the Lord’s Supper. Please contact Debby Ishee, debbyishee@hotmail.com, or Dan Kyzer, dankyzer@gmail.com.
After-worship fellowship – Serve by bringing snacks to share with the congregation and visitors after worship. Please contact Leigh Kitchens, leighkitchens@verizon.net.
Streaming Worship Services
Worship with St. Andrew even when you can’t be here with us.
Stream the worship service live every Sunday at 10:45am.