Serve at St. Andrew
The Diaconate has several programs to provide spiritual, physical, and emotional support to St. Andrew members at birth, illness, hospitalization, and death. We also serve members who are homebound. These programs offer an opportunity for anyone to get involved in a rewarding service.
After Worship Fellowship
Volunteers provide finger foods for congregation members and visitors to enjoy as they take a moment to visit. If you would be willing to occasionally bring a item you may click on the online SignUpGenius link printed in the Shield, sign the list on the Narthex table on Sundays, or contact Lisa Dorr, at While homemade is wonderful, store bought is just fine. Thank you ahead of time for helping SAPC be a friendly & welcoming congregation.
Bereavement Teams
Three teams take turns arranging for and serving a reception, or luncheon for family, at the time of a memorial service. Team members are needed! If you would like to help, please contact Leigh Kitchens, (940) 597-6036 or
Chancel Flower Delivery
After worship, chancel flowers are taken by deacons and congregation members to home ministry members, persons on the prayer list, or another person who could use a lift. If you know of someone who would appreciate the cheer of beautiful flowers, you would like to provide flowers, or volunteer to deliver them, please contact Caia McCullar, (940) 391-8472. You may also sign up to donate chancel flowers on the roster on the bulletin board in the office hallway.
Cradle Crosses
A cradle cross is given to the parents’ on the occasion of the adoption, birth, or baptism of their baby. With the cradle crosses, we convey the love, support, and inclusion of these children in the St. Andrew family. For more information please contact Sylvia Hobdy, or (940) 391-6814.
Diaconate Liaison for Pastoral Concerns
The Diaconate Liaison contacts individuals and families with pastoral concerns. If you have a need, or know of a member in need, please contact Lynda Schupp, or (972) 965-3458.
Home Ministry
The Home Ministry committee strives to strengthen the bonds of the SAPC community with its members who are not able to attend regular physical gatherings of the church. Cards, phone calls and personal visits are common interactions to combat the feelings of isolation.
Recently, we have had requests for assistance with rides to medical appointments and prescription pick-up for those no longer driving. If you would like to volunteer for one of these initiatives to aid those in Home Ministry or know someone who would benefit from the connection, please contact Sylvia Hobdy, or (940) 391-6814.
Meal Train is an online tool to organize meal delivery for our members who are experiencing a challenging life event such as birth of a baby, illness, surgery, or death of a loved one. Signing up to take a meal is voluntary. To request a Meal Train for a member, or to start receiving Meal Train email requests for meal providers, please contact coordinator, Brenda Crawford, or (214) 675-9010.
Prayer Ministry Teams
The 4 Prayer Teams are composed of congregation members and Stephen Ministers. We pray for those who are suffering, grieving and/or stressed out from life’s challenges. Each team prays for one week per month, with team members praying for different sections of the prayer list. Prayer requests may be made by contacting the church office, or placing a confidential written request in the wooden box in the Prayer/Columbarium room. Consider becoming a member of one of the teams by contacting coordinator, Ronda Skelton,, or Lauri Goldston, for more information.

Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are here for you. Stephen Ministers are laypeople—Christian men and women—trained to provide one-to-one care to people experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, relocation, or separation due to military deployment. We have a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need. Please contact the church office or Karen Dower (940) 367-1001.
For more information about this ministry, please consult these links from the Stephen Ministry website:

Birthday Endowment Fund
This endowment was established in 2007 and provides income to fund mission efforts not covered by the annual mission budget. Income has been used in previous years to send children and sponsors to Mo-Ranch’s Worship and Music Conference, as well as for mission projects such as water filtration systems for people in Guatemala. Traditionally, members contribute an amount equal to the number of years being celebrated. So on your next birthday remember this endowment and contribute toward making a lasting difference in the lives of others.