The resources below provide a snapshot of what our life together at St. Andrew looks like. Our worship liturgy is captured in the weekly bulletins, while our newsletters provide ongoing announcements and reminders about our life and ministry as a congregation. The seasonal guides provide information about opportunities for all ages to serve, learn, and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
The Shield
Our weekly electronic newsletter available via email or as a webpage below.
St. Andrew Worship Service Archive
St. Andrew maintains an archive of recorded worship services on Vimeo. Click below to view the archive.
The Spring Guide
For a comprehensive survey of everything happening in our ministry from New Year’s Day until Memorial Day, please download the Spring Guide. From ways to get involved on Sunday mornings at sunday school or in worship services, to information on our Super Wednesday program, to information about the many groups and service projects that our committees have planned–this is truly a comprehensive look at everything that is happening around our church this spring!