Presbyterian Women
With a history going back to 1941, The Presbyterian Women of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church support the mission of the Church, help one another grow in Christian faith and understanding, and provide leadership to our local congregation.
All women are welcome to attend our monthly Circle meeting in the Narthex on the second Tuesday of each month from 9:30am-11:00am where we engage in a wonderful Bible study. (Horizons is the magazine and Bible study of Presbyterian Women across the country, all of whom read the same study each year). The 2024-2025 study continues on January 14 with refreshments and fellowship starting at 9:30am. Please contact Karen Dower with any questions: 940-367-1001.
Theology on Tap
Second and Fourth Mondays @ 6:30pm
Kirsten Brown
Theology on Tap meets the second and fourth Monday of most months, 6:30pm, at Denton County Brewing Company, 200 E McKinney Street (in the back room). Meetings consist of a discussion on a variety of theological issues and questions. All thoughts and opinions are welcome. Our first meeting of the new year will be on January 13, 2025. Please email Kirsten Brown ( if you would like to be added to the TOT email list.
Women’s Lenten Book Study
Wednesdays at Noon
March 5-April 16
Lisa Patterson
Curriculum: “A is for Alabaster” by Anna Carter Florence
Join this group of women during Lent to read and discuss Scripture and interpret it as we read and dig deeper into the lively Word of God. The readings for the book discussion group will be short, and we will read several per class session. We will meet in-person with a Zoom option.
Men’s Study Group
Wednesdays, 8:00am
The Great Egg, 1800 S. Loop 288
The Men’s Study Group meets each Wednesday morning from 8:00am-9:00am at The Great Egg, 1800 S. Loop 288, #200 (across Brinker Rd. from Kroger.) This spring we will continue using the Revised Common Lectionary as our study source. Each week a different class member prepares a presentation utilizing 4 of 6 possible scriptures from that week’s suggested lectionary study material. We urge St. Andrew men of all ages to join us for table fellowship and study as we seek to discern how God would have us live our lives.
Prime Time
Usually the first Friday of the month @ Noon at a nearby restaurant. Prime Time is an opportunity for fellowship for older adults. Announcements are made in the Shield and church bulletin. Please check these announcements for upcoming dates and locations. Contact Brad Dunn ( if you would like to be added to the email list.”
Women’s Tuesday Afternoon Study
Room 209, 1:30pm
Terry Widmer
The Tuesday Afternoon Women’s Bible Study is an ecumenical group who gather at St. Andrew to read and study the Bible and pray together. Everyone is welcome. Please bring a friend. We meet upstairs in room 206 from 1:30pm-3:00pm.