The Session
The governing board of St. Andrew is made up of a group of ordained laypeople known as elders. Once ordained an elder in the congregation, those ordained members of the laity remain elders in the congregation. Not all elders participate in the active decision-making of the church at all times. Instead, elders of the church are called upon to periodically serve on the governing board, called the Session, which serves as the active decision-makers. Generally, elders serve three-year terms on the Session.
Darhyl Ramsey serves as Clerk of Session. The current slate of elders serving on the session are:
Class of 2025
Mike Grandey
Dan Kyzer
Kim Luevano
Darhyl Ramsey
Linda Steger
Class of 2026
Sarah Adams
Jonathon Fite
David Hines
Karen Jones
Terry Widmer
Class of 2027
Sara Armstrong
Kirsten Brown
Karen Dower
Ed Hiler
David McCullar
Session Committees
Session committees make decisions and provide oversight to a number of different areas of the church. From christian education to the church’s property, committees make the day-to-day operation of the church happen.
Each Session Committee is listed below with the name of the chairperson listed beside it. Most chairpersons are an elder currently serving on the Session. On every committee, however, you will find those serving who are elders and members of the laity.
If you’re interested in serving on one of the committees, please contact the church office to find out how to serve.
Worship – Karen Jones and Dan Kyzer, Co-moderators
Property – David Hines and Jonathon Fite
Personnel – Terry Widmer and Karen Dower
Communications and Administration – Sarah Adams and David McCullar
Christian Education – Linda Steger and Kim Luevano, Co-moderators
Mission – Kirsten Brown and Ed Hiler
Stewardship and Administration – Sara Armstrong (moderator) and Mike Grandey
Officer Nominating Committee – Karen Jones (Moderator)
The Diaconate
Additionally, St. Andrew has ordained a number of laypersons uniquely to caring for the needs of those members of the congregation who are sick, hurting, or have other special needs. These people are called deacons. Like elders, there are those members of the congregation that have been ordained as deacons at one time, but are not serving actively in this active caregiving role. Those currently serving in this active caregiving role serve three-year terms on a board called the diaconate. Steve Pickett serves as moderator of the Diaconate. Leigh Kitchens is currently serving as interim moderator. The current slate of deacons are:
Class of 2025
Scott Campbell
Lynn Carrico
Brad Dunn
Amy Fair
Alex Lindberg
Rachel Odei
Dottie Tillman
Class of 2026
Jamie Adams
Marc Brown
Lisa Dorr
Linda Heilig
Susan Ramsay
Bob Stewart
Jim White
Class of 2027
Brenda Crawford
Steve Danbom
Teresa Golden
Lauri Goldston
Sylvia Hobdy
Caia McCullar
Lynda Schupp
Diaconate Committees
Congregational Caregiving Committee, Moderator: Jamie Adams
- Home Ministry Chairperson: Sylvia Hobdy
- Home Ministry Cards: Lynn Carrico
- Home Ministry Transportation Coordinator: Jamie Adams
- Home Ministry Christmas Gifts: Lauri Goldston
- Home Communion Coordinator: Steve Danbom
- Chancel Flower Delivery: Caia McCullar
- Meal Train Coordinator: Brenda Crawford
- Memorial Meals & Receptions Coordinator: Leigh Kitchens
- Prayer Ministry Coordinator: Ronda Skelton & Lauri Goldston
- Liaison for Pastoral Care: Lynda Schupp
Congregational Hospitality & Membership Committee: Amy Fair
- Cradle Cross Coordinator: Sylvia Hobdy
- After-worship Fellowship: Lisa Dorr
- Church-wide Meals & Events Co-Coordinators: Amy Fair & Dottie Tillman
- Prime Time Coordinator: Brad Dunn
- Membership Committee Chair: Susan Ramsay
Community Outreach Committee: Alex Lindberg
- Interfaith Ministries Apple Tree Project Coordinator: Linda Heilig
- Interfaith Ministries Diaper Drive Coordinator: Alex Lindberg
- Denton Christian Preschool Supply Drive: Jim White
- Give a Meal Coordinator: Scott Campbell
- Friends of the Family Mother’s Day Gift Bag Project: Caia McCullar
- Our Daily Bread Outreach Coordinator: Marc Brown
- Flu Clinic Coordinator: Dottie Tillman
- Red Cross Blood Drives Coordinator: Teresa Golden
- Holiday Lighting on the Lawn Event: Luminarias Coordinator: Scott Campbell
- Wassail Coordinator: Lisa Dorr
Diaconate Representatives
- Diaconate Vice Moderator (elected position): Susan Ramsay
- Diaconate Secretary (elected position): Amy Fair
- Officer Nominating Committee (ONC) Representative (appointed by the moderator): Susan Ramsay
- Ruth Anderson Committee Representative (appointed by the moderator): Lynn Carrico