Become a Member
Membership at St. Andrew is the first step in what we consider a life-long process of discipleship, and we invite you to join us on this journey. Becoming a member affirms your faith in God and love for God’s people. Membership is a commitment to this particular part of God’s family, where we nurture growth in faith, worship, and service to others. We hope you find the simplicity of our membership process an engaging introduction to our life together.

Fill out and turn in a New Member Information Form.

Come to the parlor after the worship service. The Session, our governing body, formally receives new members at that time.
We receive new members in one of the following ways:
- Letter of Transfer (can be requested by our church office)
- Reaffirmation of Faith
- Profession of Faith and Baptism.

Be welcomed in worship on a future Sunday when we recognize our new members. Or, attend the Presbyterian 101 class.
What is Presbyterian 101?
The Membership Committee offers the Presbyterian 101 Class for those who are new to St. Andrew and the Presbyterian Church or for those who are veterans of St. Andrew and the Presbyterian Church, but want to learn more about the history and theology of the Church and St. Andrew in particular. One hour sessions begin at 9:15am during the Fall and Spring semesters. Topics covered in the Presbyterian 101 Class will be announced prior to the first session in The Shield and the bulletin.