Wednesday, November 30
Advent Adventure
Dinner at 5:30pm
Children’s Choirs, 6:00pm
Crafts for the Entire Family, 6:30pm
Fellowship Hall
Sunday, December 4
Market for Mission
Fellowship Hall
Continental Breakfast served at 9:00am
The annual Market for Mission, sponsored by the St. Andrew Mission Committee, will be held on Sunday morning, December 4 after a two year pandemic break. Gifts by SERRV costing $5 – $35 include Christmas decorations and nativity sets. SERRV enables artists from around the globe to receive fair market prices for their hard work, helping to reduce poverty in developing countries. This is a part of our global mission efforts.
St. Andrew Church groups will also participate, selling goods to raise money for their projects.
Farewell Recital
for Stephen Carey
Join us the afternoon of Sunday, December 4, as Stephen Carey is joined by collaborators at St. Andrew to make music with Stephen Carey one last time before he leaves for Nashville, TN. Stephen has recently accepted the Director of Engagement position with the Nashville Opera. We’re excited for this opportunity for Stephen, but will miss his contributions to the music at St. Andrew, and the ministry of this congregation to Denton. Join us for the performance in the Sanctuary beginning at 3:00pm and a reception in the Narthex following the performance.
Sunday, December 11
Service of Lessons and Carols
Worship Service
Join us for worship on Sunday, December 11, as St. Andrew continues one of its most beloved traditions, a Service of Lessons and Carols. The service includes Bible readings, Christmas carols, and other special music for the Christmas season.
Christmas Pageant
Join us on this special night during Advent as the children retell the story of the birth of Jesus at the pageant. Experience the surprising gift of the incarnation born in unexpected circumstances to ordinary people who said yes to God’s new ways of bringing forth salvation and new life to all the world.
Christmas Banquet
Fellowship Hall
Stay with us after the Christmas Pageant to sit at tables in Fellowship Hall and share a meal provided by the deacons. Enjoy this special night together as a church community.
Saturday, December 24
Worship Service
Worship Service
Sunday, December 25
Worship Service