Vacation Bible School
June 21-25, 2021
This year’s Vacation Bible Schoolcurriculum is titled “Compassion Camp: Be Love, Be Kind, Be You” At VBS, we will learn more about the stories of the faith through art, story, music, mission, and recreation and make a summer journey of faith as we learn more about the love of God through Jesus Christ for each one of us and for our neighbors.
This year’s VBS is virtual, with elements of our regular VBS program conducted live on Zoom, and other portions prerecorded. We’ll post the live Zoom sessions, so that your family can revisit the sessions throughout the summer. Our day will look like this:
9:00am-9:30am | Gathering with music and story
9:30am-11:45am | Access to pre-recorded videos online
11:45am-Noon | Wrap-Up and Share Time
Registration is available online now. You can register online using the link below. The registration deadline is noon on Monday, June 7. Please be sure to note your packup pickup time while completing registration.
Packet Pickup Times
We are all looking forward to a fun week!